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SkaterTrainer Ollie, Heelflip, Pop Shove-It Demo from Dylan

Here is some footage of Dylan demonstrating how to Ollie and How to heelflip with his SkaterTrainers at the Skatepark and talking about his thoughts on SkaterTrainers.  Dylan is a very solid vert, pool, and street skateboarder.  He really has fun trying new and bigger things with his SkaterTrainers.  

Dylan is well past being a beginner skateboarder but is still learning every day. The first evening spent shooting videos, he thought of several new and fun ways to use the Skatertrainers, including ollie up onto ledges and off of ledges.   Dylan did say that he regrets not being able to use SkaterTrainers when he was learning to Ollie and falling down all the time. He sees the potential for them to help him with his flat ground tricks as well as big potential for teaching beginners how to skateboard, how to pop shove-it, how to ollie, and how to kickflip.

Click below to see the footage on the blog post.   Be sure to give Dylan a thumbs up if you like it!

SkaterTrainer Demo - Ollie and Kickflip

This is Eric from Quickie Mart showing off the SkaterTrainers on his board.   He was checking them out and was nice enough to throw an ollie and a kickflip for us to shoot.   He is a very experienced skater who is super smooth with some serious moves.   

Notice the pop, and how the skateboard responds just like a real skateboard because..... it is a real skateboard.  Its his board that he rides every day.   He makes it look too easy.    Get a set of SkaterTrainers and start practicing so you can Learn to Ollie, Learn to Kickflip, Learn to Heelflip, or what ever trick you are trying to get past.   



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Be sure to check out more from Eric and the rest of the Quckie Mart Crew on their facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/quickiemarttulsa)