Want To Know How To Ollie Higher?
Ollies are the foundation for lots and lots of skateboard tricks you will try later on. This is why getting a good solid ollie is so important. The best way to get your ollie better is practice. We also recommend watching skate videos on how to ollie and recording your self to compare. VL Skate, who is a well-known how to skateboard YouTuber, has a great video on how to ollie higher and better.
In his video, he breaks down the process of what makes an ollie so that you can really get an understanding of what all your body parts should be doing. One very helpful thing he did was talk about what your back foot should do after it pops the board. That's something a lot of how to's are missing.
Check out these practice tips to ollie higher and then go practice with SkaterTrainer 2.0!